Easter Song (Christ is risen!) | score (w. choir chorus) lyrics mp3 vocal |
Emmanuel – Living Word | score (SATB) lyrics mp3
Even the stones cry out | leadsheet lyrics mp3 |
Everything | score lyrics mp3 |
Every way excellent! kids! | score lyrics & fun actions mp3 vocal snippet (VERY dodgy)rough vocal recording |
Faithful | leadsheet lyrics mp3 vocal |
Fashion me | score lyrics |
Father, we adore you + | music lyrics |
Find your place around God’s table kid-friendly! | score lyrics |
Flow | score lyrics mp3 vocal [C] |
Follow | leadsheet lyrics mp3 vocal |
Footsteps kids! | music lyrics mp3 |
For gifts you give us all-age! |
leadsheet mp3 lyrics |
From the bottom of your heart | |
Get ready, get ready kid-friendly! | score lyrics |
Gifts of love | score lyrics mp3 |
God gave Jesus for us all (Easter version) kids! | score Christmas lyrics Easter lyrics |
God’s given me everything | score lyrics |
God’s heart is breaking (POEM) | poem text |
God is love. Kid-friendly! | score lyrics mp3 backing
God of Life, of Living Water | score SATB score lyrics mp3 backing |
God, YOU make room | leadsheet. lyrics mp3 |
God’s Word, God’s World | score lyrics |
Got to be trusting kids! | score lyrics |
Growing up with Jesus | score lyrics |
Hallelujah! – Christ the Lord is risen today | score lyrics mp3 vocal |
Hand it over | lead sheet lyrics mp3 |
Happiness is love kids! | score lyrics |
Have we a tale to tell! |
leadsheet. lyrics mp3 vocal |
Healer of hearts | score lyrics mp3 vocal |
Heart and soul | score lyrics
a reflective song, based on theme for UCA: Qld Synod 25th anniversary |
Dear your voice. all-ages | leadsheet lyrics mp3 |
Here hangs a man discarded[lyrics: Brian Wren] | score backing mp3 |
Hearts on fire | score lyrics mp3 |
He’s Alive! (yes, he is) kids! | score lyrics mp3 |
Holy (Ps 22) | leadsheet lyrics mp3 vocal |
Holy Communion setting | piano score leadsheets mp3 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
mp3 Lamb of God |
Holy Spirit, come among us | score mp3 backing w. melody lyrics |
Holy Spirit come down | score lyrics mp3 |
How beautiful | score lyrics mp3 |
I’ll hold you forever (in my love) | |
If we believe | leadsheet lyrics mp3 vocal |