
The Uniting Church in Australia’s recently-completed 17th National Assembly used UK writer Sam Hargreaves wonderful TAPESTRY (Weave Us Together) as its theme song.
https://youtu.be/RO07MOSf19s    leadsheet, lyrics, video, chord chart, mp3 of this can be accessed via: https://engageworship.org/ideas/tapestry-song-and-activity

I came away from Assembly deeply impacted and encouraged by the boundless gospel possibilities bound up in the Polynesian concept of weaving the mat, the fala.  So I’ve written Weave Us As One In Your Love. Feel free to use/stream.

score  lyrics    Vimeo download

Together to Celebrate offers a wide range of  song titles – Chris Tomlin, Bethel, Rend Collective, Iona Community, Taize’, Shirley Murray, Hillsong, Matt Redman, Graham Kendrick, Leigh Newton, Alison, Campbell-Rate, Bernadette Farrell, Marty Haugen, Robin Mann, Malcolm Gordon, Craig Mitchell, Paul Somerville … plus some of my own.

Resources for children are marked kids! or kid-friendly. Suggestions of songs and improvements are always welcomed. Just use the contact David page.

My own songs are offered as gift, usually with full piano score, lyric master and mp3 demo.

This material may be used freely for non-profit Christian ministry purposes. Please acknowledge my authorship and copyright date.  If you hold a CCL or LicenSing licence, please make use of this for record-keeping purposes

I pray Together to Celebrate is helpful for you, as you share in leading God’s worshipping people in song

Grace and peace,

[Springfield, Queensland, Australia]

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scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, © the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Together to Celebrate was born  in early April 2000, with the support of Centenary Uniting Church (Brisbane, Australia) and the Uniting Church in Australia (Qld Synod)