Your feedback about the site, the songs suggestion as well as possible enhancements are always welcomed.



  1. David: Greetings! I am the composer of over 180 songs, among them the first “Our God Reigns.” May I send a link to my new cd of my newer songs? Thanks! Lenny Smith

  2. Thank you so much for your website and willingness to share. I prepare the worship songs for St George’s Walpole (Walpole Wilderness country) and find your site very inviting (joyful and bright – like the music), inspiring and helpful.

  3. Hi David,
    We were hoping to sing the song “When the going’s tough, and it’s kind-a rough…” – which we have down as one of your songs – at Castle Hill Uniting Church in Sydney, on Sunday, but we haven’t been able to track down the music. Can you please help.
    Ray Habgood.

    • Hi Ray
      I have emailed you a range of files for the song: “Got to be trusting”. Hope these helps. Thanks for considering using it.

  4. Hello David,
    I can’t find a link to your song ‘He’s Alive, yes he is’. Can you tell me how I can get hold of the music for this please?
    Many thanks,

    • Clare
      Can you send me an email address. I’ll then send you what you need. Sorry about this.

  5. David – As a pastor I find your resources very helpful in worship planning For Easter there is a You Tube clip by Matt Maher Beacuse he lives
    Is it permissable to download this for worship projection? and how do you do it? Thanks Roderick

  6. David, is there a way to get “Not ashamed” transposed into A flat? I’m a tenor and
    the copy I have is in F major–kinda low. There is some urgency to have it by Thursday because of a mixup by our music director. Thanks.

    • Dear Joel
      Not sure what part of the world you are in (?USA).
      I could get you an A flat version of “Not ashamed” by tomorrow morning (Brisbane, Australia time)


  7. Hi David,

    Thank you for your site – I choose the music for our traditional service and use your site every week. With the newer version – I find the size of the print very small – I need to get very near to be able to read it. Thank you for what you do……………..Sylvia.

    • Hi Cynthia.
      Thanks for your affirmation of the site. Sorry you find the print-size way too small. I’ll do some small-scale research to see whether our site-users have the same difficulty … and if they do … expect larger font. Watch this space. God bless.

  8. Hi David,

    Re the comment made by Cynthia. I too find the print a bit too small for my old eyes. Otherwise,nothing but praise for your website, and for the suggestions you offer.

    Re suggestions for the reading on the beheading of John the Baptist. I used the index to TIS and looked up martyrs. There are a few suggestions there

    Regards, Margaret

  9. David,
    Our music director credits you with providing thematic guidance in choosing music for our casual worship service. Thank you.

    I am tasked with selecting an image each week for our projected slides. May I use the images on your website? How do I provide citations and credit?


    • Dear Debby
      Sorry for slow reply. Where possible, I try to use images which are copyright free, or at least ones which the artist has made available for such use. I often use images via of Cerezo Barredo’s weekly gospel illustration. See my 19 July page.
      In other cases, (see 12 July) the artwork is centuries old.

  10. Hi David,
    thank you do much for your website. I regularly use it as a resource when choosing the music for services for a couple of small churches in the UK.
    How about adding ‘Behold the lamb who bore our sins away/ Communion Hymn’ by Keith & Krystin Getty, Stuart Townend as a suggestion on Aug 9th?

    • Hi Jules
      Thanks for your affirmation and your song suggestion also. I will add it to me 9 August options.
      Grace and peace,

  11. Hi David,
    My husband James and I attended the Kids’ Camp Out Leader orientation this morning at Beenleigh Region UC. Beth Nicholls told us that the theme song was written by you. She couldn’t remember the exact title but thought it was something like “Jesus thinks we’re A-OK”. I was hoping to read the words but I couldn’t find it in the list of your songs. Could you please tell me what it is called?
    I really appreciate your website, too. Thank you for your ministry.
    Thanks and God bless!

    • Hi Judy. Sorry about this glitch. I’ll update the songlist on my website.
      Meanwhile, I’ll email some files through to you.
      Note, that when you get the mp3, be aware that it was meant to be far more upbeat and bouncy.

      • Thanks so much for your prompt response and also for your email with attachments.
        May God continue to bless you and your ministry.

  12. The words of As the old year passes are very apt for this time of the year. May the words of this song be printed for our service in the new year?

    I assume the copyright information needs to be included as well as the song being reported to CCLI.

    Your website is invaluable in providing me with inspiration in selecting hymns for the lectionary readings.

    Regards, Margaret

  13. I am leading the 27th Dec service at Knox United, United Church of Canada, Parksville, BC. Can our congregation listen to Peace on Earth( and mercy mild) song? I would like to play the song while we are exchanging the peace.
    Thank you
    Brenda Riley

    • Dear Brenda
      You are most welcome to use the song as you suggest. Thank you.
      Advent / Christmas blessings.

      (Rev David MacGregor, Brisbane, Australia)

  14. David,
    Here are a couple of Christmas verse that go to the tune of “This is the day”
    Holy the night,
    holy the night
    when he came to earth,
    when he came to earth.
    Jesus was born,
    Jesus was born:
    God in human flesh,
    God in human flesh.
    Holy the night when he came to earth.
    Jesus was born: God in human flesh.
    Holy the night,
    holy the night
    when he came to earth.

    Blessings to all,
    blessings to all!
    It is Christmas time,
    it is Christmas time.
    Love, joy and peace,
    love, joy and peace
    to bless everyone,
    to bless everyone.
    Blessings to all! It is Christmas time,
    Love, joy and peace. to bless everyone,
    Blessings to all,
    blessings to all!
    It is Christmas time,
    © Peter Woodward 2015

    • Nice one, Peter.
      With appropriate acknowledgement, I’ll include your words on my site.
      Christmas blessings to you & Joan


  15. The song Spirit Come is absolutely beautiful. I love it. I’ve been humming it and singing it all day since I heard it., I am introducing it to our congregation this Sunday as a new priase song. God Bless you and continue your inspiring ministry and music ministry.

  16. I get Error 404 when I try to get the score for your new “Bless Your Name Forever.” Is there a way to get the link fixed or get the score? Thank you!


  17. David, I enjoy the songs you have published in your website. Do you have a song book with all your songs plus the music? And do you have a CD with your songs? I would like to get it or buy it.

    • Hi Samata
      I have several self-published song books and a couple of self-produced CDs. Which I’d be happy to send you. CDs -$10. Songbooks – $15 each. Postage – $5

  18. Hello David,
    We are planning our Christian Summer School (CSS) program for 2017 – a school holiday program we have been conducting at our church at Eight Mile Plains for the last 35 years. We usually write our own programs, with themes sometimes based around a song.
    I would like to ask your permission to use the title of one of your songs as our theme and the song itself as our theme song. The song is “God Reckons We’re OK”. I have copies of book and CD “Gospelling to the Beat” in which your song is published.
    Our church does have copyright arrangements.
    Our purpose in choosing this theme is to help children to know God’s amazing love for each one; to know that God has a plan and a purpose for each person; and to see how God can help each of us to make right choices.
    Would you please grant us permission to use your great song for this purpose?
    Thank you
    Lorraine Brine

  19. I’ve been relying on your song suggestions and ideas for many years. However, you no longer provide the archived information of past lectionary readings. The message this week is from Phil 4, last used Oct, 12 of 2014. I was hoping to find help and find none.
    Or am I missing it?

    • Dear Otis.
      Sorry about this. I changed web platforms a year or so back to a WordPress arrangement. On the “to do” list is the sort of service you’re seeking. Of course too late now, but in future, should you have a request like this please email me at


  20. Hi David
    I found your site from Text This Week: I was searching Psalm 105 and clicked on six areas. All said “file not found” error 404. What’s up?

    • Vic
      I’ve still got a few links to sort out by the 18 December page is now up.

  21. Hi David,

    I have found your archived information invaluable when planning well in advance. However, I can no longer find it. Has it been discontinued?

    Thanks for the suggestions you give each week for the lectionary readings.

    Regards, Margaret

    • Thanks Leo
      I’ll add it to the page.
      I always appreciate comments from site users.

  22. David, Your worship songs have always been encouraging and inspiring for ministry down through the years. Thank you for all your efforts!
    Could you please send me an email about an idea
    I have for our Retired Ministers’ & Spouses’ Fellowship? Thanks.

    • Hello Peter
      Thanks for your kind words.
      My email address is

      By the way, is there a date for the next Retired Ministers’ & Spouses’ Fellowship gathering, Peter?


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