The Bible’s book of 150 psalms are poems: prayer-poems which give voice to the whole gamut of human expression, including responses to God. These include praise, lament, thanksgiving, petition, confession, assurance, anxiety.
Among PSALMSONGS’ 30 tracks, Dale and I  have written, arranged and recorded 16 of these – across a mixture of styles and genres; while particularly in the folk-country style. Then again, listen to “Holy” while you’re dancing to it!   The more I engage the psalms the deeper I get in touch not only with my own “being” but with the living, ever-present, all-loving God.
In addition, PSALMSONGS offers a blend of ambient, reflective instrumental tracks as well as many other worship songs.
Friends and family older and newer share their gifting, care and expertise on several tracks. Thank you!
PSALMSONGS is available in multiple formats:
  • streaming on Apple Music 
  • purchase on iTunes. With an iTunes purchase, a PDF booklet of many of the music scores and leadsheets is included
  • streaming on Spotify
  • iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify & Amazon Music purchase/streaming 
  • CD purchase – 25 tracks (incl. postage). $20 in Australia. $40 for overseas purchases. Available NOW!  
  • To purchase the CD version, please click on the PayPal link below and include required details.  Email me on if at no extra cost, you’d like me to send you the PDF booklet of scores & leadsheets.
We pray you’ll be blessed – whether that be yourself or your community – as you hear God’s renewing and ever-present voice through PSALMSONGS.

David MacGregor – April 2022

sample tracks:
HOLY (Psalm 22)
Purchase PSALMSONGS CD (25 songs)
– includes postage within Australia.

If purchasing from beyond Australia, email me at dmacgreg1@icloud to arrange purchase.  $40 AUD flat rate, including postage.