please note: these archival pages will be continually under construction. The selections have been published in earlier Together to Celebrate pages.
My hope is that the songs suggested will assist you in your preparations. Shalom, David
Luke 1:39-45/46-56
sources | songs | writers |
SCE[3] 1442/Vineyard | My soul glorifies the Lord | Kane/Kane/Manders |
SCE 85 | Earth lies spellbound | Kendrick |
SCE[3] 1289/Hillsong | Exceeding joy | Webster |
P&W 715/HS/SCE 17 | All things are possible | Zschech |
SCE 511 | This child | Kendrick |
TIS 738/SCE 367/P&W 730/ATO 369/HS | Shout to the Lord | Zschech |
TIS 289/AOVK 55 | Christmas is coming | Bell |
AOV[1] 141 | O Holy Mary | Alstott |
Wild Goose/TIS 287 | No wind at the window | Bell/trad. |
Luke 1:47-55
47-49 My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
sources | songs | writers |
SCE[3] 1442 /Vineyard | My soul | Kane/Kane/Manders |
DMAC | Sing a new song | music lyrics mp3 vocal mp3 backing |
TIS 738/SCE/P&W 730/ATO 369 | Shout to the Lord | Zschech |
SIS 509/SCE 118/TIS 717/P&W 478/SOF 124/AOV[2] 17 | Give thanks | Smith |
ATG 510 /Seasons of the Spirit Songbook 3 | Advent news | Schmidt |
HSNW/CH 362/CG 49 | Heaven shall not wait | Bell/Maule |
CG 15b | My soul proclaims | Farrell/Alstott |
HS | Made me glad | Webster |
ATO 355 / various | Freedom is coming | African trad. |
DMAC | Celebrate Emmanuel | music lyrics mp3 |
SCE 85 | Earth lies spellbound | Kendrick |
DMAC | Shouts of joy! | music lyrics |
SCE 511 | This child | Kendrick |
SCE 506 | The feast is ready | Kendrick |
Colin Buchanan: Follow the Saviour/ATW 471 | You can tell the Lord that you love him | Buchanan |
HS | Emmanuel | Badham |
Luke 1:68-79
sources | songs | writers |
HS | Most high | Sampson |
SCE 381 | O come and join the dance | Kendrick |
SCE 511 | This child | Kendrick |
ATE 214/Taize’/TIS 747 | The Lord is my light | Berthier |
SCE 81/Vineyard | Light the fire again | Doerksen |
DMAC kid-friendly | Great God! | music lyrics mp3backing snippet |
ATO 313/AOV{2] 3 | Christ, be our light | Farrell |
SCE[2] 1004 | The wonder of your mercy | Wallace |
SIS 472/SCE 407/SCE 96/SOF 96 | Blessed be the Lord God almighty | Fitts |
TIS 658/ATE 296/AOV[1] 90/various | Here I am, Lord | Schutte |
DMAC | On earth in our day | music lyrics mp3 vocal snippet |
Luke 2: (1-7), 8-20
sources | songs | writers |
HS | Emmanuel | Badham |
DMAC kid-friendly! | Get ready, get ready | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
ATO 338 | God in human shoes | Thiele |
DMAC | Celebrate Emmanuel | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
“King of Christmas” kids! | Tell me the story of Christmas | Buchanan |
ATG 539 kids! | Tell me the story of Christmas | Combe |
SCE 381 | O come and join the dance | Kendrick |
ATO 371 | Singing glory | Fechner |
ATO 322/Iona | Lord, where have we left you | Iona Community |
SCE 85 | Earth lies spellbound | Kendrick |
DMAC/TIS 719 kids! | God gave Jesus for us all | music lyrics mp3 |
DMAC | Give a shout in celebration! | music lyrics |
SCE 567 | What kind of greatness | Kendrick |
SCE 119/Taize’ | Gloria | trad./Berthier |
GBEAT2-72 kids! | It’s a surprise | Gibson |
SCE 528 | Glory to God | Kendrick |
DMAC | It’s Christmas | |
SCE 322 | Like a candle flame | Kendrick |
Luke 2:22-40
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | Spirit come | music lyrics |
P&W 620/SCE 443 | Salvation belong to our God | Howard/Turner |
SCE 356 | Mighty God | Johnson/Bowater |
DMAC kids! | Growing up with Jesus | music lyrics |
ATO 313/AOV[2] 3 | Christ be our light | Farrell |
HS/SCE 180/P&W 779 | Holy Spirit Come | Bullock |
ATN 99/various | Pentecost Prayer | Mann |
HS/SCE[2] 640/P&W 857 | Potter’s hand | Zschech |
TIS 329/Wild Goose | Funny kind of night | Bell |
Luke 2:41-52
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC kids! | Growing up with Jesus | music lyrics |
DMAC | teach them | music lyrics |
Luke 3:1-6
sources | songs | writers |
CH 276/Taize | Wait for the Lord | Berthier |
AOVK 50/ATW 430 kid-friendly | A voice is heard | Watts |
ATN 25/TIS 647/TIS 647/AOV[2] 12 | Comfort, comfort | Mann |
SIS 587/SCE 349/P&W 449/SOF 384 | Make way | Kendrick |
SCE 503 | These are the days | Mark |
SCE 549 | Welcome the king | Kendrick |
rock musical: Godspell | Prepare ye the way of the Lord | Schwartz |
SCE 309 | King of kings, majesty | Cooper |
HS/SCE 331 | Glory to the King | Zschech |
AOVK 54 kids! | Fill every valley | Mangan |
P&W 620/SCE 443/SOF | Salvation belongs to our God | Howard/Turner |
SIS 88 | Prepare the way | Reichel/McGrail |
SCE[2] 717/Integrity’s Hosanna Music | Prepare the way | Evans/Nuzum |
AOVK 55/TIS 289/CH 282/Iona-Wild Goose | Christmas is coming | Bell |
Luke 3:7-18
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 265/HS/various | I will never be the same again | Bullock |
SCE 102/Vineyard | All the earth shall worship | Tuttle |
AOV[1] 21 | God has chosen me | Farrell |
DMAC kid-friendly | Get ready, get ready | music lyrics mp3 vocal snippet |
SCE 442 | Ruach | Fellingham |
AOVK 50/ATW 430 kid-friendly | A voice is heard | Watts/O’Brien |
SIS 587/SCE 349/P&W 449/SOF 384 | Make way | Kendrick |
ATO 389 | Light of the nations | Mann |
DMAC | Spirit come | music lyrics |
SCE 503 | These are the days | Mark |
SCE 549 | Welcome the king | Kendrick |
HS/SCE/P&W | Holy Spirit, come | Bullock |
Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 102/SIS 457 | All the earth shall worship | Tuttle |
SCE 442 | Ruach | Fellingham |
SCE 180/P&W 779 | Holy Spirit come | Bullock |
SCE 512/P&W 731 | The power and the glory | Bullock |
GGIVES[4] 23/ATW 432 kids! | M-M-M-Miracle | Holmes |
SIS 522 | Healing to the nations | Fitts |
SCE 514 | This is my beloved Son | Kendrick |
SIS 521/SCE 337/SOF 365 | Heal our nation | Morgan/Goudie/Townend |
DMAC | Spirit come | music lyrics |
ATW 421 | Born forever | Jaensch |
SIS 303/P&W 454/SCE 462/SOF 510 | Spirit of the living God | Iverson |
P&W 477/SCE 392/TIS 655/SOF 419 | Spirit song | Wimber |
AOV[2] | Open the heavens | Boniwell |
SIS 486 | Come Holy Spirit | Iverson |
P&W 589/SCE/SOF 486 | Go forth in his name | Kendrick |
DMAC kids! | Spirit | music lyrics |
AOV[1]/TIS 258 | Praise to you, O Christ | Farrell |
GGIVES4-18 kids! | Come now Holy Spirit | Heron |
GGIVES4-20 kids! | Fill us, Lord | Holmes |
ATW 497 kids! | I cannot run | Newton |
SIS 485 | Come Holy Spirit | Fletcher |
Luke 4:1-13
1-4 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished. The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread.” Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone.'”
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 447/SIS 96/P&W 68/TIS 745/ATN 34/SOF 493/AOV[1] 48 | Seek ye first | Lafferty |
KPDU kids! | Better watch out for temptation | Nym |
P&W/SCE 302 | Firm foundation | Gordon/Harvill |
AOV[1] 63 | We walk by faith | Haugen |
TIO/ATW 498 | We will take what you offer | Bell |
P&W 332 | It is written | |
GBEAT[1] kids! | Don’t let the devil take the truth away | Reith |
Psalms of patience, protest & praise [Wild Goose] | Whoever lives beside the Lord | Bell |
Vineyard/P&W 657/SCE 436 | Refiner’s Fire | Doerksen |
HS/SCE 515 | I give you my heart (This is my desire) | Morgan |
Luke 4:14-21
16-21 When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him.
He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | Spirit come | score lyrics mp3 |
SCE 37/TIS 690 | Beauty for brokenness | Kendrick |
AOV[1] 101 | The spirit of the Lord | Horner |
The Graham Kendrick Collection #142 | The Spirit of the Lord | Kendrick |
HSNW/SCE 151 | Heaven shall not wait | Bell/Maule |
SIS 587/SCE 349/P&W 449/SOF 384 | Make way | Kendrick |
SCE 319 | Let your love come down | Richards |
DMAC kid-friendly | When the Spirit is moving | score lyrics mp3 |
ATO 313/AOV[2] 3 | Christ be our light | Farrell |
SCE 203/SIS 562//SOF 210/Vineyard | I worship you | Tuttle |
ATO 402/AOV[1] 21 | God has chosen me | Farrell |
ATW 450 | When Jesus Christ worked here on earth | Olson/Belihu |
ATO 355/various | Freedom is coming | South African |
TIS 670/SIS 569/SCE 292/SOF 299 | Jesus put this song into our hearts | Kendrick |
SIS 84 | The Spirit of the Lord | Stacey |
SCE 445 | Say the word | Townend |
DMAC kid-friendly | Spirit | lead sheet lyrics |
DMAC/GGIVES3 kids! | I've got a voice | score lyrics mp3 |
HS/SCE[2] 886 | Hear our praises | Morgan |
Luke 5:1-11
4-11 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who are partners with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.
sources | songs | writers |
ATO 413/Wild Goose | The Summons (Will you come and follow me) | Bell/Iona Community |
DMAC | I will follow | music lyrics |
TIS 658/AOV[1] 90/CH 251/ATE 296/various | Here I am, Lord | Schutte |
HS/SCE[2] 1052 | Everyday | Houston |
AOV[1] 5 | Galilee song | Andersen |
GBEAT2 kids! | Fisherman Peter | anon. |
ATE | We are called to follow Jesus | Strathdee |
GBEAT2 kids! | Come follow me | Mangold |
SCE 515/HS/various | I give you my heart | Morgan |
AOV[1] 146 | Eye has not seen | Haugen |
DMAC kid-friendly | Come as you are | music lyrics mp3 |
SIS 318/SCE 297 | Jesus take me as I am | Bryant |
TIS 665/Wild Goose/various | Jesus Christ is waiting | Bell/French melody |
DMAC | Not ashamed | music lyrics midi |
Luke 6:17-26
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | On earth in our day | music lyrics mp3 vocal snippet |
AOV[1] 5 | Galilee song | Andersen |
DMAC | Blessed | music lyrics |
ATW 436/Iona | Amen, amen, it shall be so! | Iona Community |
SOF 381/SCE 348/TIS 607/ATN 95/AOV[2] 126 | Channel of peace | Temple |
Innkeepers & light sleepers [Wild Goose] | Not the powerful, not the privileged | Bell |
TIS 717/SIS 509/P&W 478/SCE 118/SOF 124/AOV[2] 17 | Give thanks | Smith |
SCE 445 | Say the word | Townend |
SCE[2]646 | Blessed be the humble | Kendrick |
TIS 690/SCE 37 | Beauty for brokenness | Kendrick |
ATN 25/TIS 647/AOV[2] 12 | Comfort, comfort | Mann |
DMAC | Do justice | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
SIS 578 | Lord I seek your righteousness | Oddie |
DMAC kids! | Happiness is love | music lyrics mp3 |
Psalms of patience, protest & praise [Wild Goose] | Happy is the one | Bell |
ATE 308 | We are called to follow Jesus | Strathdee |
ATO 413/Wild Goose | The Summons | Bell |
Luke 6:20-31
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | On earth in our day | music lyrics mp3 vocal snippet |
AOV[1] 5 | Galilee song | Andersen |
ATO 313/AOV[2] | Christ, be our light | Farrell |
DMAC | Renewing the passion | music lyrics vocal snippet backing track |
HS/P&W 712 | I believe | Bullock |
DMAC kids! | Shine out for Jesus | music lyrics mp3 |
DMAC | Yesterday, today, forever | music lyrics mp3 |
SCE[2] 832/Vineyard | Take me as I am (Jesus, Jesus) | Thorndycraft |
SCE 348/TIS 607/ATN 95/AOV[1]/SOF 381 | Make me a channel of your peace | Temple |
DMAC | On earth in our day | music lyrics mp3 vocal snippet |
DMAC | Blessed | music lyrics |
ATW 436/Iona | Amen, amen, it shall be so! | Iona Community |
SOF 381/SCE 348/TIS 607/ATN 95/AOV[2] 126 | Channel of peace | Temple |
Innkeepers & light sleepers [Wild Goose] | Not the powerful, not the privileged | Bell |
TIS 717/SIS 509/P&W 478/SCE 118/SOF 124/AOV[2] 17 | Give thanks | Smith |
SCE 445 | Say the word | Townend |
SCE[2]646 | Blessed be the humble | Kendrick |
TIS 690/SCE 37 | Beauty for brokenness | Kendrick |
ATN 25/TIS 647/AOV[2] 12 | Comfort, comfort | Mann |
DMAC | Do justice | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
SIS 578 | Lord I seek your righteousness | Oddie |
DMAC kids! | Happiness is love | music lyrics mp3 |
Psalms of patience, protest & praise [Wild Goose] | Happy is the one | Bell |
ATE 308 | We are called to follow Jesus | Strathdee |
ATO 413/Wild Goose | The Summons | Bell |
Luke 7:36 – 8:3
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 576 | The heart of worship | Redman |
SCE 290/HS/P&W 681 | Jesus, lover of my soul | Grul, Ezzy, McPherson |
SIS 419/SCE 214/P&W 243/SOF 226 | I love you, Lord | Klein |
P&W 697/HS/ | I’ll love you more | Eastwood |
TIS 744/P&W 632 | Refresh my heart, Lord | Bullock |
HS/SCE 301/P&W 777 | Jesus, what a beautiful name | Riches |
SIS 562/SCE 203/SOF 210 | I worship you | Tuttle |
P&W 455/SIS 662/SCE 571/SOF 595 | When I look into your holiness | Perrin |
SCE 287/SOF 294 | Jesus, Jesus, Jesus | Bowater |
TIS 693 | Come as you are | Browne |
TIS 748 kids! | The helping song | Hannah |
Colin Buchanan/ATW 471 kids! | You can tell the Lord that you love him | Buchanan |
ATW 466 | I am aware | McBride |
ATW 428 | Morning sunshine | Hannah |
DMAC/GGIVES3 kids! | I’ve got a voice | music lyrics |
HS/P&W 839 | Love you so much | Fragar |
Luke 9:28-36, (37-43)
28-35 Now about eight days after these sayings Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. Now Peter and his companions were weighed down with sleep; but since they had stayed awake, they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him. Just as they were leaving him, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” — not knowing what he said. While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were terrified as they entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!”
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 63 | I’m coming up the mountain (Can I ascend?) | Redman |
SIS 580/SCE 335/ATE 217/P&W 531/TIS 675/AOV[2] 59 | Shine Jesus Shine | Kendrick |
ATO 313/AOV[2] 3 | Christ be our light | Farrell |
AOVK 50/ATW 430 kid-friendly | A voice is heard | Watts/O’Brien |
SCE 446 | See his glory | Bowater |
DMAC/AOVK 49 kids! | Shine out for Jesus | music lyrics mp3 |
P&W 716/various kid-friendly | We want to see Jesus lifted high | Horley |
NCYC 2003 | Open your eyes | Mann |
various | Here I am to worship | Hughes |
P&W /SIS 201/SCE 189/various | Our God reigns [How lovely on the mountains] | Smith |
AOVK 50/ATW 430 kid-friendly | A voice is heard | Watts/O’Brien |
Taize’/ATE 214/TIS 747/AOV[2] 67 | The Lord is my light | Berthier |
SCE 121/TIS 718/P&W 679/HS | Glory | Bullock |
SCE 25/SIS 461/P&W 331 | Ascribe greatness | West/Locke/Kirkbride |
SCE[2] 735 | Morning star | Kendrick |
TIS 643/Maranatha Music kid-friendly | I want to walk as a child of the light | Thomerson |
SCE[2] 912 | I’m here to worship you | Battersby |
AOV[1] 53/AOVK | Receive the light of Christ | Marshall |
AOVK 50/ATW 430 kid-friendly | A voice is heard | Watts/O’Brien |
AOV[2] 80 | You are the voice | Haas |
Luke 9:51-62
57-62 As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” To another he said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” But Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” Another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
sources | songs | writers |
TIS 473/IECS 19 | Community of Christ | Murray |
DMAC | You are mine | |
AOV[2] 106 | Song for the journey | Marshall |
SIS 318/SCE 297/SOF 305 | Jesus take me as I am | Bryant |
Iona/ATO 413/CH 533 | The Summons (will you come and follow me) | Bell |
AOV[1] 188 | Companions on the journey | Landry |
SCE 556/SOF 589 | We shall stand | Kendrick |
AOVK 32 | We want to live like you, Jesus | Wolf |
GBEAT2/various kids! | Fisherman Peter | trad. |
TIS 686/ATA 292 | Because we bear your name | Mann/Kleinig |
DMAC | Not ashamed | music lyrics midi |
AOV[2] 8/TIS 665/Wild Goose | Jesus Christ is waiting | Bell/Maule |
DMAC | In you alone | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
GGIVES2 kids! | Day by day | [aboriginal … from Arnhem Land, Australia] |
DMAC | Together to celebrate | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
Wild Goose/ATO 413 | The Summons | Bell/Iona Community |
HS/SCE[2] 1052 kid-friendly | Everyday | Houston |
ATO 401 | Follow me | Mann |
DMAC/GGIVES3 kids! | I’ve got a voice | music lyrics |
HS/SCE 515 | I give you my heart | Morgan |
GBEAT2 | Come follow me | Mangold |
DMAC kids! | Happiness is love | music lyrics |
Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
1-9 After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go. He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.
Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’ And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not, it will return to you. Remain in the same house, eating and drinking whatever they provide, for the labourer deserves to be paid. Do not move about from house to house. Whenever you enter a town and its people welcome you, eat what is set before you; cure the sick who are there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’
sources | songs | writers |
SCE[3] 1586 /Thankyou Music | Lord of the harvest | Redman |
SCE 538/P&W 589 | Go forth in his name | Kendrick |
AOV/ATN | How shall I call you? | Mann |
HSNW/ATO 348/AOV | Sing hey for the carpenter | Bell/Iona Community |
SCE 349/SIS 587/P&W 449 | Make way | Kendrick |
AOVK | We’ve got a message | Halloran/Millward |
SCE 427 | Peace to these streets | Kendrick |
SCE 161/SIS 523 | Here I am | Bowater |
DMAC kids! | Happiness is love | music lyrics |
GGIVES2 kids! | Singing out for Jesus | Boucher |
DMAC | That the world might know you | music lyrics mp3 vocal snippet |
GBEAT2 kids! | Be on Jesus’ team | Lane/Chia |
SCE 246/ATE 296/TIS 658/AOV[1] 90 | Here I am, Lord | Schutte |
DMAC/GGIVES2 kids! | I’ve got a voice | music lyrics |
Luke 10:25-37
25-31 Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.” But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbour?” Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side …
sources | songs | writers |
TIS 751 | What does the Lord require of you | Strathdee |
CG 4/various | All are welcome | Haugen |
DMAC | Do justice | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
Seasons of the Spirit Songbook 1 | Let us put on the clothes of Christ | Hesla |
TIS 657/IECS 29 | God of freedom, God of justice | Murray |
AOV[2]/ATA 197/TIS 629 | When I needed a neighbour | Carter |
GGIVES1 kid-friendly | Love the Lord your God | anon. |
NCYC 2001 | Walk in the name of God | Graham |
AOV[2]/TIS 665/Wild Goose | Jesus Christ is waiting | Bell/Maule |
SCE 359/SOF 392/Vineyard | More love, more power | del Hierro |
AOV[1] 28/TIS 258 | Praise to you, O Christ our Saviour | Farrell |
AOVK 133 | Children of our time | Paxton |
DMAC kid-friendly | Love the Lord your God | music lyrics |
ATA 190 | The way is low | Mann |
TIS 650/SIS 256/ATA 191/SOF 54 | The servant song [Brother, sister, let me serve you] | Gillard |
TIS 607/SCE 348/ATN 95/SOF 381 | Make me a channel of your peace | Temple |
various kid-friendly | Love, love your brother | Boucher |
ATA 177 kid-friendly | Love one another | Mann |
Luke 10:38-42
Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 524 | My desire [to be in your presence] | Richards |
CCLI song # 2437367 | We fall down | Tomlin |
SCE 103/P&W 206/SIS 451/SOF 102 | Glorify your name | Adkins |
IECS 10/CH 716 | Come and find the quiet centre | Murray |
DMAC | In your presence | music lyrics mp3vocal |
HS/P&W 697/SCE 197 | I’ll love you more | Eastwood |
HS/SCE 515 | I give you my heart | Morgan |
SCE[2] 826/Vineyard | Be the centre | Frye |
DMAC kid-friendly | Come as you are | music lyrics mp3 |
TIS 661 | Woman in the night | Wren/Cutts |
AOV[1] 126 | I have loved you | Joncas |
HS/P&W 681/SCE 290 | Jesus, lover of my soul | Ezzy/Grul/McPherson |
SCE 291/SIS 226/SOF 298 | Jesus, name above all names | Hearn |
DMAC | In you alone | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
SIS 460/TIS 703/P&W 445/ATE 206/SCE 27/SOF 27 | As the deer | Nystrom |
SIS 561/P&W 500/SCE 271/SOF 282 | I worship you | Corbett |
ATW 471 kids! | You can tell the Lord that you love him | Buchanan |
DMAC/GGIVES3 | I’ve got a voice | music lyrics |
TIS 693/AOV[1] 31 | Come as you are | Browne |
TIS 748/Kids praise down under kids! | The helping song | Hannah |
AOV[2] 106 | Song for the journey | Marshall |
Luke 12:13-21
16-21 Then he told them a parable: “The land of a rich man produced abundantly. And he thought to himself, ‘What should I do, for I have no place to store my crops?’ Then he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you. And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God.”
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 447/SIS 96/P&W 68/SOF 493/TIS 745/AOV[1] 48 | Seek ye first | Lafferty |
GGIVES2/TIS 669 kids! | Jesus is the rock | Dyson |
SCE 118/SIS 509/TIS 717/P&W 478/SOF 124/AOV[2] 17 | Give thanks | Smith |
P&W 809/SCE[2] 1081 | You are my all in all | Jernighan |
HS/P&W 817 | I live to know you | Zschech |
SIS 577/P&W 5/SCE 230/SOF 242 | Lord, be glorified | Kilpatrick |
Vineyard/SCE 175/SOF 180/SCE 175 | Holiness unto the Lord | Daniels |
HS | You are my world | Sampson |
ATW 492 | You might have fortune | Beavis |
Luke 12:32-40
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 447/TIS 745/SIS 96/P&W 68/SOF 493 | Seek ye first | Lafferty |
SCE 460 | Soon and very soon | Crouch |
DMAC | I offer up my life to you | music lyrics Powerpoint |
SCE 437/SOF 478/P&W 446 | Reign in me | Bowater |
SCE 46 | Be patient, be ready | Kendrick |
SIS 34/SCE 533/P&W 805 | Turn your eyes upon Jesus | Lemmel |
SCE 480/P&W 537/TIS 746/HS | The heavens shall declare | Zschech |
HS/SCE 100/P&W 785 | Let the peace of God reign | Zschech |
SCE 541/SIS 654/SOF 572 | We believe | Kendrick |
SCE[2] 936 | Lord, reign in me | Brown |
AOVK 101 kid-friendly | May your kingdom come | Heard |
SCE[2] 682 | What grace [Father, to you] | Kendrick |
AOV[2] 78/Wild Goose | Through our lives | Bell |
TIS 280 | When he comes back | Stewart |
AOVK 28/ATO 376 kid-friendly | Faith, hope & love | Watts |
AOV[2] 4 | Bring forth the kingdom | Haugen |
Luke 12:49-56
sources | songs | writers |
P&W 657/SCE 436/SOF 475 | Refiner’s Fire | Doerksen |
SCE 551/P&W 732/SOF 583 | Let the flame burn brighter | Kendrick |
SIS 580/ATE217/P&W 531/SCE 335/TIS 675/SOF 362 | Shine Jesus Shine | Kendrick |
SCE 69/SOF 64 | Light up the fire | McLellan/Paculabo/Ryecroft |
SCE 30 | Revival fire, all (As we lift up your name) | Baloche |
SCE 154 | We will ride | Park |
DMAC | Not ashamed | music lyrics midi |
Luke 13: 1-9
6-9 Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, ‘See here! For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?’ He replied, ‘Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it. If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.'”
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | We abide in you | score lyrics mp3 |
SIS 678/Vineyard/SOF 629/P&W/SCE | You are the vine | Daniels/Rigby |
GGIVES[2] kids! | The fruit of the spirit | Williams |
DMAC | A charge to keep | score lyrics mp3 |
ATN 36 | Vine and fig tree | trad |
GGIVES[2] kids! | Galatians 5:22-23 | Tolquhurst |
DMAC/NCYC 1991 | Breaking new ground | score lyrics |
Luke 13:10-17
13:10-14 Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. And just then there appeared a woman with a spirit that had crippled her for eighteen years. She was bent over and was quite unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, “Woman, you are set free from your ailment.” When he laid his hands on her, immediately she stood up straight and began praising God. But the leader of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had cured on the sabbath, kept saying to the crowd, “There are six days on which work ought to be done; come on those days and be cured, and not on the sabbath day.”
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | Healer of hearts | music lyrics mp3 backing |
SCE 337/SIS 521/SOF 365 | Heal our nation | Morgan/Goudie/Townend/Bankhead |
DMAC kids! | Jesus, healing man | music lyrics Powerpoint |
ATG 530 | Healing if flowing | Habel/trad: “morning has broken” |
AOV[2] 2/AOVK 5 kid-friendly | You are mine | Haas |
ATW 489/GGIVES4 kid-friendly | Turn our sadness upside down | Newton |
CG 75/TIS 737 | Lord Jesus Christ, lover of all | Bell/Maule |
SIS 522 | Take my healing to the nations | Fitts |
SCE 180/P&W 779 | Holy Spirit come | Bullock |
ATG 572 | In the shape of a cross | Brown |
SCE 48/P&W 114/SIS 27/SOF 41 | Be still and know | anon. |
CG 138/LFB 68 | We cannot measure how you heal | Bell/Maule |
SCE 195/P&W 536/SOF 203 | I believe in Jesus | Nelson |
SCE 385/SIS 562/SOF 210 | I worship you | Tuttle |
LFB/Wild Goose/CG 1 | A touching place | Bell |
Luke 13:31-35
At that very hour some Pharisees came and said to him, “Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you.” He said to them, “Go and tell that fox for me, ‘Listen, I am casting out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish my work. Yet today, tomorrow, and the next day I must be on my way, because it is impossible for a prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem.’ Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! See, your house is left to you. And I tell you, you will not see me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.'”
sources | songs | writers |
ATO 411/TIS 48/AOV[1] 153 | On eagle’s wings | Joncas |
SCE 371/HS | Shadow of your wings | Morgan |
AOV[1] 126 | I have loved you | Joncas |
AOV[2] 55 | The harvest of justice | Haas |
AOV[2] 81/Wild Goose | Sanctus and Benedictus | Bell/Maule |
P&W 655/HS/ATO 368 kid-friendly | Shelter | Bullock |
DMAC | Holy, holy, holy Lord/Blessed is he | music note: these are among a collection of new “Contemporary” sung congregational responses for Holy Communion |
P&W 621/TIS 685/SCE 329/HS | The power of your love | Bullock |
SIS 527/P&W 495/SCE 173/SOF 179/Vineyard kid-friendly | Hold me Lord | Daniels |
HS/SCE 221/ATW 470 | In your hands (I’m so secure) | Morgan |
GGIVES2/GBEAT1/various kids! | Mighty God | Holmes |
DMAC | Reaching out | music lyrics |
Luke 14:1, 7-14
sources | songs | writers |
Seasons Songbook 8 | At the table of the world recommended! | Wren/Johengen |
CG 4/CH 198/various | All are welcome recommended! | Haugen |
ATO/AOV | Christ be our light | Farrell |
Wild Goose: We walk his way kid-friendly | God welcomes all recommended! | Bell/trad. Sth African |
AOV[2] | Table of plenty | Schutte |
AOVK 118 kid-friendly | We live and love your word | Bates |
ATW 475/NCYC 2001/Seasons of the Spirit Songbook Vol. 2 | Come to the banquet | White |
AOV[1] 151 | Come to the feast | Haugen |
SCE 506 | The feast is ready | Kendrick |
CH 685/various | A place at the table | Murray/True |
HSNW/TIS 544 | God has a table | Bell/Maule |
DMAC kids! | Come along to the party | music lyrics mp3 |
SCE 498 | Because of you | Oakley |
ATO 351/GGIVES4 kid-friendly | You are invited | Mann |
HS | Hear our praises | Morgan |
DMAC | The kingdom feast | music lyrics |
GGIVES4 kids! | Places at the table | Holmes |
TIS 658/ATE 296/SCE 246 | Here I am, Lord | Schutte |
Luke 14:25-33
25-27 Now large crowds were travelling with him; and he turned and said to them, “Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. 14:33 So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | On the way | |
DMAC | Dare to discover | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
various kid-friendly! | Step by Step | “Beaker” (Strasser) |
AOV[1] 158 | A new heart for a new world | Watts/O’Brien |
various | I have decided to follow Jesus note: an oldie but a goldie. Fits this reading so well. |
trad |
DMAC | Not ashamed | |
Iona/ATO 413 | The Summons | Bell |
DMAC | So much to celebrate!Uniting Church in Australia: Queensland Synod – theme song 2001 | music lyrics mp3 vocal snippet |
HS/SCE 515 | I give you my heart | Morgan |
DMAC kids! | Footsteps | music lyrics mp3 |
SCE 297/SIS 318/SOF 305 | Jesus take me as I am | Bryant |
Iona/ATO 348 | Sing hey for the carpenter | Bell |
ATO 401 | Follow me | Mann |
DMAC/GGIVES2/GBEAT1/various kids! | Footsteps | MacGregor |
Iona/ATO 414 | Take this moment | Iona Community |
ATW 498/TIO | We will take what you offer | Bell |
DMAC kids! | Happiness is love | music lyrics |
Colin Buchanan/ATW 493 kids! | Follow the Saviour | Buchanan |
Luke 15:1-10
15:3-7 So he told them this parable: “Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices.
And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbours, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
sources | songs | writers |
various | Amazing Grace (my chains are gone) | Newton/Rees/Excell/Tomlin/Giglio |
P&W/Geoff Bullock | I am carried | Bullock |
various | Softly and tenderly an “oldie”, but fits the gospel passage so well. |
Thompson |
SCE 550 | I’ve found Jesus | Smith |
ATA 131/TIS 129/P&W 112/SIS 401/SCE 18 | Amazing grace yes … an “oldie”, but so applicable to this Sunday’s gospel … I just had to include it! | Newton |
AOV[1] | A shepherd I’ll be for you | Bates |
DMAC | Because the Lord’s my shepherd (Psalm) | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
SCE 185/CH 549/various | How deep the Father’s love for us | Townend |
TIS 685/P&W621/HS/SCE 329 | The power of your love | Bullock |
P&W 512 | Forever grateful | Altrogge |
HS/SCE 290/various | Jesus, lover of my soul | Ezzy/Grul/McPherson |
GBEAT2/DMAC kids! | Where’s Woollie? | music lyrics mp3 |
AOV[1]/TIS 693 | Come as you are | Browne |
CCLI 3689877 | Grace like rain | Agnew |
HS/SCE 605 | You rescued me | Bullock |
HS/ATO 352/SCE 602/P&W 718 | Your love keeps following me | Fragar |
HS | Irresistible | Zschech |
HS/SCE 221/ATW 470 | In your hands (I’m so secure) | Morgan |
SCE 576/various | The heart of worship | Redman |
GBEAT1/GGIVES2 kids! | I need a friend | Dyson |
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
15: 20-24 So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Then the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his slaves, ‘Quickly, bring out a robe–the best one–and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate.
sources | songs | writers |
various | Our God | Tomlin/Reeves/Myrin/Redman |
DMAC | Then you found me with a folk-country feel | music lyrics | | Grace like rain | Agnew |
SCE 402/P&W 443/AOV[2] 107/various | O Lord, your tenderness | Kendrick | | Amazing grace (My chains are gone) | Tomlin/Newton/Giglio |
DMAC kid-friendly | Come as you are | music lyrics mp3 |
SCE 185/P&W 841 | How deep the Father’s love for us | Townend |
SCE 370/P&W 592/SOF 398 | Amazing love | Kendrick |
DMAC kid-friendly | Welcome home, wanderer | music lyrics please allow time for download of music! |
P&W 280/SIS 41/SCE 123/ATN 31/SOF 129 | Freely, freely | Owens |
HS/SCE 605 | You rescued me | Bullock |
Keith Green | Prodigal Son Suite note: this has been around for many years now, yet still presents some great worship opportunities | Green |
DMAC | Then you found me | music lyrics |
AOV[2] | Love calls me back | Bates |
ATN 43/AOV[1] 47 | How shall I call you? | Mann |
HS/SCE 290/P&W 681 | Jesus, lover of my soul | Grul/Ezzy/McPherson |
DMAC | Nothing deeper | music lyrics mp3backing snippet |
TIS 693/AOV[1] 31 | Come as you are | Browne |
TIS 685/P&W 621/SCE 329 /HS | The power of your love | Bullock |
DMAC kids! | Remember God’s love | music lyrics mp3 |
P&W 835 | I am carried | Bullock |
TIS 748 kids! | The helping song | Hannah |
Luke 16:1-13
16:13 No slave can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | I offer up my life to you | music lyrics Powerpoint |
AOV[2] 55 | The harvest of justice | Haas |
Hillsong/CCLI Song# 4705248 | The stand | Houston |
DMAC | We abide in you | music lyrics mp3 vocal |
Wild Goose/TIO/various | We will take what you offer | Bell |
DMAC | In you alone | music lyrics mp3 snippet | | Where your treasure is | Haugen |
IECS/various | Take my gifts and let me love you | Murray |
HS/P&W 795 | God is in the house | Zschech/Fragar |
SIS 587/SCE 349/P&W 449/SOF 384 | Make way note: the final verse of this song illustrates Christ’s teaching so well: We call you now to worship him as Lord of all; to have no Gods before him – their thrones must fall | Kendrick |
DMAC kids! | Love the Lord your God | music lyrics |
ATW 492 | You might have fortune | Beavis |
SIS 318/SCE 297/SOF 305 | Jesus, take me as I am | Bryant |
SCE 114/P&W 674/ATE 261/TIS 256/SOF 120 | The Servant King | Kendrick |
GGIVES1 kids! | Love the Lord your God | anon. |
HS | Make me your servant | |
HS/SCE 198/P&W 697 | I’ll love you more | Eastwood |
DMAC | Do justice | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
AOVK 97 kids! | Do to others | Halloran/Millward |
SCE 161/SIS 523/SOF 167 | Here I am | Bowater |
SCE 437/P&W 446/SOF 478 | Reign in me | Bowater |
HS/SCE 515 | I give you my heart | Morgan |
DMAC | Send us further on (Here we are) | music lyrics mp3 |
Luke 16:19-31
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | Not ashamed | music lyrics midi |
HSNW/ATO | The Summons | Bell/Iona Community |
SCE/TIS | Beauty for brokenness | Kendrick |
DMAC | Do justice | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
DMAC kids! | Love the Lord your God | music lyrics |
SIS 318/SCE 297/SOF 305 | Jesus, take me as I am | Bryant |
DMAC kids! | God’s given me everything note: this short kids song has been often-used during the offering during all-age worship. | music lyrics midi demo |
HS/SCE 198/P&W 697 | I’ll love you more | Eastwood |
Luke 17:5-10
sources | songs | writers |
GGIVES2 kids! | Faith is like a muscle | Dyson |
P&W 714/SCE 400/HS | Have faith in God | Bullock |
ATO 376 kid-friendly! | Faith, hope and love | Watts |
P&W 587/SCE 253 | I walk by faith | Falson |
HS | Faith | Morgan |
NCYC 2001/ATW 467 | I believe, I believe, I believe | Holmes |
SCE 264 | I will never be the same again | Bullock |
P&W 712 | I believe | Bullock |
Luke 17:11-19
sources | songs | writers |
sis 509/TIS/P&W 478/AOV[2] 17/SCE 118 | Give thanks | Smith |
DMAC | Healer of hearts | music lyrics mp3 backing |
CG 1/TIS 677/LFB 66 | A touching place | Bell/Maule |
ATO 376 | Faith, hope and love | Watts |
DMAC kids! | Jesus, healing man | music lyrics Powerpoint |
HS | Faith | Morgan |
ATN9/SIS 27/P&W 114/SCE 48 | Be still and know | anon. |
P&W 741 | Jesus healed them all | Ingram |
SCE 47/P&W 527 | Be still for the presence of the Lord | Evans |
HS | What the Lord has done in me | Morgan |
SCE 392/TIS 655/P&W 477 | Spirit Song | Wimber |
TIS 737/TIO 80 | Lord Jesus Christ, lover of all | Bell |
GBEAT1/TIS /ATN 23 kids! | The blind man | anon. |
GBEAT1 kids! | Jesus came | Williams |
ATO 377 | Heal me | Watts |
Luke 18:1-8
sources | songs | writers |
ATW 485/GGIVES4 kids! | Praying | Treagus |
GGIVES4 kids! | We must remember how to pray | Coleman/UCASynod 95 kids |
SCE 295 | Jesus, restore to us again | Kendrick |
DMAC kids! | I can talk with Jesus | music lyrics mp3 |
SCE 100/P&W 785/HS | Let the peace of God reign | Zschech |
SCE 394 | O Lord hear my prayer | Berthier |
ATW 471./Colin Buchanan kids! | You can tell the Lord that you love him | Buchanan |
SCE 180/P&W 779 | Holy Spirit come | Bullock |
Luke 18:9-14
sources | songs | writers |
Iona/TIS 729 | Jesus Christ, Son of God | Iona Community |
TiS 474 / AoV1-012 / ATE 295 / CH623 | Gather us in | Haugen |
SCE 188/Kingsway Thankyou Music | Better is one day | RedmanSCE |
ATO 379 | Kyrie Eleison (Ghana) | Reindorf/trad. |
DMAC | I offer up my life to you | music lyrics Powerpoint |
HS/SCE 290/P&W 681 | Jesus, lover of my soul | Ezzy/Grul/McPherson |
Vineyard/SCE 1007 | Breathe | Barnett |
ATO 392 | Kyrie Eleison (Russia) | trad. |
DMAC kid-friendly | The greatest | music lyrics mp3 |
Thankyou Music | Here I am to worship | Hughes |
TIS 677/CH 724/Wild Goose | A touching place | Bell/Maule |
TIS 659/SIS 256/SOF 54 | The servant song | Gillard |
P&W 674/TIS 256/SCE 114/ATE 261/SOF 120 | The servant king | Kendrick |
SIS 578 | Lord I seek your righteousness | Oddie |
HS/SCE 515 | I give you my heart | Morgan |
TIS 681 | Lord let me see | Langmead |
Luke 19:1-10
sources | songs | writers |
P&W 512/SOF 631 | Forever grateful | Altrogge |
SIS 318/SCE 297/SOF 305 | Jesus take me as I am | Bryant |
TIS/AOV[2]8/HNSW/CG | Jesus Christ is waiting | Bell |
AOVK 4 | Look up! Look down! | Sherman |
Vineyard/P&W 657/SCE 436 | Refiner’s Fire | Doerksen |
P&W 280/SIS 41/SCE 123/ATN 31/SOF 129 | Freely. freely | Owens |
GBEAT2 | Rich Man Zac | Mangold |
SCE[2] 898/Daybreak Music | Name above all names | Bennetts |
SCE 444 | Save the people | Kendrick |
ATO 413/Wild Goose | The Summons | Bell |
TIS 677/CG/LFB | A touching place | Bell/Maule |
TIS 748 kids! | The helping song | Hannah |
ATO/HNSW | Sing hey for the carpenter | Bell |
ATO 327 | Sorry | Boucher |
P&W 621/SCE 329/TIS685/HS | The power of your love | Bullock |
GBEAT2 kids! | Whether you’re one | Kendrick |
HS/ATO 352/SCE 602/P&W 718 | Your love keeps following me | Fragar |
Leigh Newton/NCYC ’93 | Sorry, Lord | Newton |
DMAC kids! | Sorry | music lyrics |
Integrity Music: Singalong Songbook 1 kids! | Zaccheus | Evans |
Luke 19:28-40
sources | songs | writers |
SIS 538/SCE 182/P&W 484/SOF 189 | Hosanna | Tuttle |
SCE 193/Vineyard | Blessed be the name | Park |
Hillsong/various | Hosanna | Fraser |
ATW 444 kids! | Hey, King! | Grant/Palmer |
SIS 587/SCE 349/P&W 449/SOF 384 | Make way | Kendrick |
SIS 218/SCE 321/SOF 336 | Lift up your heads | Fry |
tune: “What shall we do with the drunken sailor” kids! | We have a king who rides a donkey | anon. lyrics |
SIS 323/P&W 268 | You are the king of glory | Ford |
ATA 147/TIS 357 | When our life began again | Mann |
GGIVES[4] 12 | Hooray, It’s Jesus! | Holmes |
ATO 344 | The new road | Beavis |
HS/SCE 331 | Glory to the king | Zschech |
DMAC | We sing hosannas | music lyrics midi file snippet |
DMAC kid-friendly! | Wave those branches high | music lyrics mp3 |
SCE 576 | The heart of worship | Redman |
Luke 20: 27-38
sources | songs | writers |
HS | My Redeemer lives | Morgan |
SIS 390/SOF 443 | Open our eyes, Lord | Cull |
P&W 712/HS | I believe | Bullock |
TIS 535/SIS 544/SOF 200 | I am the bread of life | Toolan |
SIS 635/SOF 266 | The Lord liveth (I will call upon the Lord) | O’Shields |
SCE 485/SIS 342/P&W 688 | The Lord reigns | Stradwick |
NCYC 2001 | Risen, redeemed, righteous | Kjninenburg |
SCE 234/SIS 483/SOF 245 | Christ is risen | Kendrick |
SCE 462/SIS 303/SOF 510 | Spirit of the living God | Iverson |
Luke 21:5-19
sources | songs | writers |
CCLI song # 5677416 | Our God | Redman/Myrin/Tomlin/Reeve |
RCH 708/SCE[1] 399 | O Lord, the clouds are gathering | Kendrick |
SIS 505/P&W 428/SOF 105 | Fear not! | Pringle |
SIS 465/SCE 38/P&W 403/SOF 37 | Be bold! be strong! | Chapman |
DMAC | Not ashamed | music lyrics mp3 vocal mp3backing trac |
DMAC kids! | Happiness is love | music lyrics |
SCE 228/SIS 630/SOF 237 | The battle belongs to the Lord | Owens-Collins |
SCE 400/HS/P&W 714 | Have faith in God | Bullock |
P&W 589/SCE 537/SOF 486 | Go forth in his name | Kendrick |
ATW 470/HS/SCE 221 | In your hands (I’m so secure) | Morgan |
Luke 21:25-36
25-28 “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in a cloud’ with power and great glory.
Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
36 Be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
sources | songs | writers |
SCE 22/SOF 170 | And he shall reign | Kendrick |
SCE 480/HS/P&W 537/TIS 746 | The heavens shall declare | Bullock |
SCE 610 | Distant thunder | Palmer |
SCE 136 | Come, Lord Jesus (great is the darkness) | Richards/Coates |
SCE 541/SIS 654/SOF 572 | We believe | Kendrick |
ATW 434 | Sing out with joy, he is coming | Dell |
SCE[2] 936/Vineyard | Lord, reign in me | Brown |
SCE 160 | He is the mighty God | Owen |
SIS 630/SCE 228/SOF 237 | The battle belongs to the Lord | Owens-Collins |
P&W 639/SOF 240 | We shall rise | Fellingham |
SCE[2] 908/various | O happy day! | trad. |
P&W 719 | We will dance | Ruis |
Luke 23:1-49
sources | songs | writers |
SCE[2] 611/Integrity’s Hosanna Music | Above all | LeBlanc/Baloche |
ATW 444 kids! | Hey, King! | Grant/Palmer |
ATO 335/Leigh Newton | And we stood right there | Newton |
P&W 674/SCE 114/ATE 261/SOF 120 | The servant king | Kendrick |
SCE 353 | Meekness and majesty | Kendrick |
P&W 855/SCE 274 | Jesus Christ [Once again] | Redman |
You are my king [Amazing love] | Foote | |
HS | Worthy is the lamb | Zschech |
ATO 374 | Always remember me | Ylvisaker |
SIS 218/SCE 321/SOF 336 | Lift up your heads | Fry |
ATA 147/TIS 357 | When our life began again | Mann |
SCE 70/various/SOF 67 | Come and see | Kendrick |
P&W 809/SCE[2] 1081 | You are my all in all | Jernighan |
ATO 344 | The new road | Beavis |
SIS 121/ATN 54 kids! | God is so good | anon. |
DMAC | In love for the world | music lyrics midi |
HS/SCE 331 | Glory to the king | Zschech |
SCE 282/GBEAT2/ATO 363 kids! | Jesus is greater | Hutchinson |
SCE 576 | The heart of worship | Redman |
Luke 23:33-43
36-43 The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine, and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” There was also an inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews.” One of the criminals who were hanged there kept deriding him and saying, “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed have been condemned justly, for we are getting what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | The Cross | music lyrics |
TIS/Brian Wren | Here hangs a man discarded | Wren/MacGregor backing track music |
TIS 730/ATO 387/Taize’/SCE 294 | Jesus, remember me | Berthier |
HS | King of majesty | Sampson |
Worshiptogether | You are my king [Amazing love] | Foote |
SCE 278/ATO 329/P&W 763 | This kingdom | Bullock |
AOVK22 kid-friendly | To know, worship & love | Abrahams/Abba |
SCE 309 | King of kings, majesty | Cooper |
DMAC | Remember God’s love kids! | music lyrics mp3 |
DMAC kid-friendly | Great God! | music lyrics |
TIS 256/ATE 261/P&W 674/SCE 114/SOF 120 | The servant king | Kendrick |
SCE 595/Vineyard | You are my king | Doerksen |
SCE 70/SOF 67 | Come and see | Kendrick |
SCE 300/SIS 431/SOF 310 | Jesus, we enthrone you | Kyle |
SIS 240/ATN | He is the king of kings! kids! | anon. |
SCE 151/HSNW 104 | Heaven shall not wait | Bell/Iona Community |
AOV[2] 164 | Send down the fire | Haugen |
SCE 301/HS/P&W 777 | Jesus, what a beautiful name | Riches |
SCE 307/SIS 409 | King of kings and Lord of lords | Conty/Batya |
GBEAT1/SCE 282 | Jesus is greater kids! | Hutchinson |
SCE 346/SIS 206/P&W 148/SOF 379 | Majesty | Hayford |
HS | Worthy is the lamb | Zschech |
SIS 587/SCE 349/P&W 449/SOF 384 | Make way | Kendrick |
HS/SCE 331 | Glory to the King | Zschech |
“Jesus is the Saviour” CD/songbook – Colin Buchanan | Jesus is the mighty, mighty king kids! | Buchanan |
SIS 481/SCE 75/P&W 452/SOF 73 | Celebrate | Morgan |
SIS 518/P&W 497/SOF 164 | He is exalted | Paris |
Luke 24:1-12
1-5 But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. 2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they went in, they did not find the body. 4While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. 5The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen
sources | songs | writers | Music/various | I will rise | Tomlin/Giglio/Maher/Reeves |
Seasons of the Spirit songbook 5 | Christ has arisen, alleluia | Kyamanywa/trad. Tanzanian |
CH 751/TIO 8/ATW 457/Kevin Mayew/GIA Publications/various | Alleluia | Duncan |
Hillsong/various | Mighty to save | Morgan |
Hillsong/Hillsong United/various | Tell the world | Douglas/Houston/Sampson |
DMAC | Jesus, Jesus is risen | music lyrics Powerpoint |
SIS 483/SCE 234/SOF 245 | Christ is risen | Kendrick | | You are my king | Foote |
SCE[3] 1311/Thankyou Music | In Christ alone | Townend/Getty |
Hillsong/various | Hosanna | Fraser |
ATG 544 kid-friendly! | Christ is risen from the dead (2 part round) | Newton/trad. |
SCE[3] 1555/Integrity’s Hosanna Music | The wonder of your cross | Mark |
ATG 556/Seasons of the Spirit songbook | Singing hallelujah! | Good |
Seasons of the Spirit songbook 6 | Easter people | Light |
TIS 389/various | Easter Song (Hear the bells ringing | Herring |
AOVK 80/ATG 545 kid-friendly! | Easter Alleluia | Mangan |
ATW 437 | I have seen the Lord | Mann |
P&W 663/SCE 67/SOF 57 kid-friendly! | Celebrate Jesus | Oliver |
HS/SCE [2] 768 | My Redeemer lives | Morgan |
HS | God so loved | Morgan |
AOVK 78 kid-friendly! | Arise’n’Shine | Holmes |
ATW 452 | Why do you look among the dead | Mann |
SCE 330/P&W 736 | Lord I lift your name on high | Founds |
DMAC kid-friendly! | He’s Alive (yes, he is!) | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
HS/SCE[2] 862 | What the Lord has done in me | Morgan |
SCE 284/SIS 360/SOF 178 | Jesus is Lord | Mansell |
SIS 654/SCE 541/SOF 572 | We believe | Kendrick |
ATW 445/GGIVES[4] 16 kid-friendly! | Roll the rock | Newton |
P&W 529/HS/SCE 55 | Blessing, honour | Bullock |
SIS 48/P&W 32/SCE 158/various | He is Lord | anon. |
SIS 276/TIS 390/SOF 6 | Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks . . . | Fishel |
DMAC/TIS 719 kids! | God gave Jesus for us all | music lyrics mp3 |
DMAC | Sing hallelujahs | music lyrics |
HS/P&W 689 | The stone’s been rolled away | Bullock |
P&W 809 kid-friendly! | You are my all in all | Jernighan |
ATA 160 | Resurrection shout | Mann |
GGIVES[3] 27 kids! | Easter time is here again | Heron |
ATO 346 | Jesus is alive today | anon/East African |
ATO 343 | Jesus, come and stand among us | Mann |
GBEAT[1] kids! | Tomb breaker | Reay |
P&W 541/SCE 142 | Jesus is alive! | Kenoly |
SIS 635 | The Lord liveth | O’Shields |
+ Michael Brumpton & Noeleen Johnston | He is Risen [as shared in worship at the 2001 Uniting Church – Queensland Synod] | music lyrics |
Luke 24:13-35
29-34 But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them.
Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?” That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. They were saying, “The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!”
sources | songs | writers |
P&W 848/SCE[2] 926 | Open the eyes of my heart, Lord | Baloche |
DMAC | When you take | music lyrics mp3backing |
ccli song # 5484616 | Remembrance (The Communion Song) | Maher/Redman | | You are holy (Prince of Peace) | Imboden/Rhoton |
DMAC | Listen to the voices | music lyrics |
NCYC 2003 | Open your eyes | Mann |
ATW 437 | I have seen the Lord | Mann |
DMAC kid-friendly | Find your place around God’s table | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
ATW 488 | Open our eyes | Mangold |
DMAC | Travellin’ the road | music lyrics mp3 vocal track |
ATO 321/Iona | Lord, draw near | trad./Iona Community |
ATO 346 kid-friendly | Jesus is alive today | East African |
ATW 476/SCE 163 | Here is bread | Kendrick |
ATA 200/various | One more step | Carter |
SIS 635/SOF 266 | The Lord liveth | O’Shields |
TIS 681 | Lord, let me see | Langmead |
P&W 663/SCE 67/SOF 57 kid-friendly! | Celebrate Jesus, celebrate! | Oliver |
SIS 276/TIS 390/SOF 6 | Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks . . . | Fishel |
TIS 650/SOF 54/SIS 256 | The servant song [Brother, sister, let me serve you] | Gillard |
DMAC/TIS 719 kids! | God gave Jesus for us all | music lyrics mp3 |
Have you seen Jesus my Lord? | ||
SCE[2] 611/Integrity’s Hosanna Music | Above all | LeBlanc/Baloche |
DMAC kid-friendly! | He’s Alive (yes, he is!) | music lyrics mp3 snippet |
HS | Worthy is the lamb | Zschech |
Luke 24:36b-48
sources | songs | writers |
DMAC | Jesus, Jesus is risen | music lyrics Powerpoint |
Seasons of the Spirit Songbook 6 | Without seeing you | Haugen |
Seasons of the Spirit songbook 5 | Christ has arisen, alleluia | Kyamanywa/trad. Tanzanian |
Seasons of the Spirit (2009)- Music section p.6 / CH 430 | Christ has risen | Bell/Maule |
P&W/SCE 736 | Lord, I lift your name on high | Founds |
DMAC | That the world might know you | music lyrics mp3 vocal snippet |
P&W 848/SCE 926 | Open the eyes of my heart | Baloche |
HS/SCE [2] 768 | My Redeemer lives | Morgan |
SIS 276/TIS 390/SOF 6 | Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks . . . | Fishel |
ATW 437 | I have seen the Lord | Mann |
SCE 452 | The day of his power (Shout! The Lord is risen) | Kendrick |
P&W 589/SCE 537/SOF 486 | Go forth in his name | Kendrick |
DMAC kids! | Jesus is alive! | music lyrics midi sample |
TIS 391 | Come God’s people | Pearson |
TIS 382/ATN 15 | Love has come again | Crum/trad. |
TIS 755/SIS 397/SCE 609/SOF 640 | The trees of the field | Rubin/Dauermann |
AOVK kids! | To live like Jesus | Putney/O’Brien |
CG 46 | Haven’t you heard | Robertson |
ATO 346 | Jesus is alive today | anon (East African) |
DMAC | Sing hallelujahs! | music lyrics |
SIS 485/P&W 520 | Come Holy Spirit | Fletcher |
P&W 779/HS/SCE 180 | Holy Spirit Come | Bullock |
SIS 522 | Healing to the nations | Fitts |
P&W 212/SIS 201/SCE 189/SOF 192 | Our God reigns | Smith |
home page – Together to Celebrate
Key to abbreviations / Resources
TIS | Together in Song | Harper Collins Religious |
ATW | All Together Whatever | Openbook Publishers |
ATO | All Together OK | |
ATE | All Together Everybody | |
ATA | All Together Again | |
ATN | All Together Now | |
MP | Mission Praise | |
P&W | Praise & Worship | Resource Christian Music |
SCE | The Source | Kevin Mayhew |
HS | Hillsong | Hills Christian Life Centre |
HSNW | Heaven shall not wait | Iona Community/Wild Goose Resource Group |
NCYC | National Christian Youth Convention | a biennial youth event of the Uniting Church in Australia |
TIO | There is one among us | John Bell/Wild Goose Resource Group |
SOF | Songs of Fellowship | Kingsway |
SIS | Scripture in Song | |
CG | Common Ground | St Andrew Press |
GBEAT | Gospelling to the Beat 1&2 | Scripture Union |
GGIVES | God gives – songs for kids | JBCE |
DMAC | David MacGregor song | |
IECS | In every corner singThe hymns of Shirley Murray | Hope Publishing Company |
Some links to more “traditional” resources…
The Billabong – Jeff Shrowder’s Worship Resources |
GATHERING – The United Church of Canada |
Home page – Together to Celebrate
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